Here’s The Marketing Plan That’s Right For You. “The Growth Marketing Plan”

More Than Likely, Your Business Is In The Growth-Phase Of Marketing When… You’ve implemented some good marketing and sales foundations, however, you …

Here’s The Marketing Plan That’s Right For You. “The Growth Marketing Plan”

Martin Platenkamp
August 16, 2024
More Than Likely, Your Business Is In The Growth-Phase Of Marketing When…

You’ve implemented some good marketing and sales foundations, however, you ‘re looking to scale it up to the next level and are struggling to break through. Lead conversion is still a challenge and you want to look at ways of more effective marketing so those leads are coming in steadily.

You understand the importance to invest in the marketing and sales part of your business. For every dollar you invest, you’re hoping to get a reasonable return on investment (yes, profit please!).

Now your business may already be growing out of the start-up phase and you’re looking to scale. But from a marketing point of view, if your monthly paid advertising and marketing budget is still quite small that usually is a red flag that there is still a lot of opportunity left yet to be untapped!

In order for you to start tapping into those opportunities, we need to get…

laser focused on bespoke marketing solutions that segment your audience into niche audiences

…both online and with traditional marketing channels.

Now you may ask yourself, “Why is this important?”.

Well, the digital landscape is constantly changing and evolving – every single day. It’s a challenge to keep up! And I’m sure, that as a business owner, it’s getting increasingly challenging to find the most effective marketing and sales solutions that will drive consistent leads and sales.

So let’s address the one question that’s on everybody’s mind: “What marketing is right for my business?”.

Well, with over 20 years of marketing and sales experience, I can wholeheartedly say that most business owners want to find a way to consistently get leads on autopilot.

But with so many choices these days, which marketing tools are the right fit for your business? And what price tag do they come with? With slowly growing budgets, it can be frustrating to know where to invest most of your marketing money and get the best return-on-investment.

But finding the marketing holy grail isn’t easy and even the best marketing in the world will not guarantee endless sales! However, there is a tried and tested marketing and sales methodology, that’s applicable to every business big or small.

Applying this simple methodology will help you create a marketing and sales funnel and framework, to drive great, consistent leads and propel your business to the next level of growth.

Common “Marketing” Mistakes & Pitfalls.

So, imagine having a shop, and for every person that walks through your door, simply to browse your products and services, you will have to pay $1.

Now if you have a lot of people browsing and buying, thus making a profit, I think you’d be pretty content. But if you have a lot of people browsing and not buying anything, you’ll be stressed, worried and frustrated to make ends meet in your business.

The same thing applies to marketing. If you spend a lot of money on marketing and you’re not getting the leads that convert, then you’re literally throwing your money away. In today’s world, we have to be smart about our marketing and that’s why we’re going to look for quality over quantity leads.

Even if you have millions to spend in marketing to the masses, you would still need a sound strategy and plan. None of it happens overnight either. It’s a fact that only 4% of the world’s largest companies have had success doing this, and they definitely didn’t do this without a good sales and marketing plan.

Here’s What You Can Do About It.

Thankfully there are some practical and achievable steps you can take to get past the Marketing Blockers that are holding you back. So if you don’t have millions to burn, then start with creating a highly effective marketing solution that segments your audience into a niche audience via a tailored buying experience online and offline.

You could for example begin by creating what we call an “eVo-Blueprint”. This ever-evolving blueprint is a snapshot of your marketing & sales components that are needed to create Accelerated Growth. Also known as creating a way to consistently get you quality leads on autopilot:

Your Next Steps.

Unlock Your Business Potential with the eVo-Blueprint - Our Gift to You!

Are you wondering how the eVo-Blueprint can work for your business? We've got something special for you that has transformed not only our businesses but also the businesses of countless clients.

Introducing our exclusive 45-minute workshop - a condensed version of the powerful approach we've perfected over the years to accelerate growth and crack the marketing code. This workshop is designed specifically for entrepreneurs who want to streamline their marketing and sales strategies with proven steps tailored to their business needs.

During this free 45-minute session, we'll take you through the eVo-Blueprint step-by-step, showing you exactly how to apply it to your business. This is our gift to you - no strings attached.

What’s next? Simply book your FREE workshop with our team today. In this session, we’ll discuss your current business and marketing structure, and walk you through the eVo-Blueprint in detail.

Let’s unlock your business potential together.

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