From Traffic to Loyal Clients in 9 Steps - part 3

From Traffic to Loyal Clients in 9 Steps - Steps 7 to 9 of the Lead Gen Funnel

From Traffic to Loyal Clients in 9 Steps - part 3

Martin Platenkamp
September 17, 2024
From Traffic to Loyal Clients in 9 Steps  

Welcome to the final part of our three-part lead generation guide. In this article, we will wrap up the final steps of your lead gen funnel, focusing on converting event attendees into paying customers and, eventually, nurturing them into loyal advocates. By the end of this guide, you'll have a complete roadmap to achieve high conversion rates, upsell effectively, and build long-term loyalty for sustained business growth.

Recap: Steps 1 to 6

In the first two articles, we covered how to kickstart your lead generation funnel by driving traffic to your website (Step 1), converting visitors into leads (Step 2), and nurturing those leads (Step 3). Next, we explored how to turn these engaged leads into event attendees (Step 4), nurture non-attendees (Step 5), and engage non-buyers (Step 6). Now, we will dive into Steps 7 to 9, guiding you through converting your attendees into paying customers and nurturing them into loyal advocates.

If you need a quick re-read of the Steps 1 to 3 article, CLICK HERE.

If you need a quick re-read of the Steps 3 to 6 article, CLICK HERE.

Here's a quick reminder of the 9 goals of our lead gen funnel:

Goal 1: 4000 clicks/visits

Goal 2: 50% sign up = 2000

Goal 3: 80% engage in content = 1600

Goal 4: 50% of sign ups attend event = 1000

Goal 5: 50% visit sales page = 500

Goal 6: Non-Buyer nurturing [additional step]

Goal 7: 50% of attendees = 250

Goal 8: 30% of buyers = 75 [part 1]

Goal 9: 20% of buyers = 50 [part 2]

Step 7: Sale / Conversion

The primary focus of Step 7 is converting your event attendees into paying customers. At this stage, your attendees are familiar with your brand, have shown interest by attending your event, and are ready to make a purchase decision.

How to Convert Event Attendees into Customers

Use SMS and Email to Follow Up: Send timely and relevant follow-ups to attendees, recapping the event highlights and presenting exclusive offers. This keeps your brand top of mind and can prompt a buying decision. Make sure you use smart automation tools so you don't have to do all the heavy lifting. If you're curious which one will be a right-fit for your business then contact us for a free consult call. These days it's not a "one size fits all" digital solution anymore.
Offer Free Product / Service Trials: Providing a free trial allows your prospects to experience your product or service firsthand, building trust and encouraging conversions.
Engage a Professional Sales Team: A skilled sales team can effectively handle objections, answer questions, and close deals more efficiently.
Leverage Existing Client Sales Teams: Partner with satisfied clients who are willing to promote your product or service to their network.

Target Outcome for Step 7

Aim for a 50% conversion rate of event attendees, resulting in 250 sales.

Example Execution

A digital marketing agency could send personalised follow-up emails to event attendees, offering a free audit of their current marketing strategy. They could also provide limited-time discounts on their services to encourage prompt decision-making. Additionally, they could use testimonials from existing clients in follow-up communications to build credibility and trust.

Step 8: Upsell / Cross-sell / Down-sell

Once you have successfully converted attendees into customers, the next step is to increase their lifetime value by offering additional products or services.

How to Upsell and Cross-sell Effectively

Offer Immediate Upsells: Present complementary products or services immediately after the initial purchase. For instance, a software company could offer an extended warranty or premium features as an add-on.
Use Questionnaires / Surveys: Gather information on your customers' additional needs or pain points and tailor offers accordingly.

Target Outcome for Step 8

The goal is to achieve a 30% upsell rate, resulting in 75 additional sales.

Example Execution

A fitness studio could offer new members a discounted personal training package or a bundle of nutrition consultations shortly after they sign up for a membership. They could also send a survey to understand their new customers' fitness goals and offer tailored programs to meet those needs.

Step 9: Advocate / Partner / Affiliate

Nurturing your best customers into advocates is essential for long-term growth. Your most loyal customers can become powerful promoters of your brand, driving new business through word-of-mouth, reviews, and referrals.

How to Turn Customers into Advocates

Identify and Nurture Raving Fans: Build strong relationships with your most loyal customers through personalised communication, exclusive offers, and engagement opportunities.
Create Facilitator Opportunities and Affiliate Programs: Encourage satisfied customers to promote your brand by offering them incentives, such as referral bonuses, exclusive discounts, or affiliate commissions.

Target Outcome for Step 9

Aim for 20% of buyers to become advocates, resulting in 50 highly loyal customers.

Example Execution

An e-commerce store could create a loyalty program offering points for every purchase that customers can redeem for future discounts. Additionally, they could invite their best customers to join an affiliate program, providing them with a commission for every referral that results in a sale.


By following these steps, you can effectively convert event attendees into paying customers and nurture them into loyal advocates. This comprehensive lead generation funnel ensures maximum engagement and helps set your business up for long-term success.

Here's an extra pro tip...

If you're like me and love to read/listen to business growth books then try this - simultaneously listen to and read the following books to help expand your marketing/sales and business skills in general. And in case you’re wondering, reading and listening simultaneously enhances learning by engaging multiple sensory modalities (visual and auditory), which reinforces comprehension and retention of the information:

Your Next Five Moves: Book by Patrick Bet-David
It’s Your Ship: Book by D. Michael Abrashoff
Crushing It!: Book by Gary Vaynerchuk

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